Projects (original)
Cultivating Justice zineSummer 2022
TransPlants is a zine created by Land In Our Names and Land Workers Alliance as part of their project Cultivating Justice. Below is our submission. You can buy copies of the zine here

occupation is a protest. we protest to protect, not what privilege has preserved in the countryside, but, Nature itself. unruly, wild, generative, everything that a manicured lawn in a stately home is not.
occupy the countryside is about the journey involved with occupation; what it takes to get to there and also what lies beyond in the future. it is the re-membering of marginalised people to spaces and places where they’ve been told they don’t belong.
we grew up here, hazy sunshine on endless golden fields, and hate speech, violence and anger on the winds. elements shape you.
we are mixed race and we came to be on this island through the violence of colonialism; our mauritian ancestors had been displaced so that britain could drink sugar in tea. of course our history is british history. despite its attempted erasure, despite the quagmire of rural racism.
elements shape you. journeying away from this place was necessary so that we could return, defiant, to reclaim our space to grow. the hostility of monoculture fields and delusions make it harder to do what we must - occupy - but the countryside is for everyone, especially those who are not already claiming space.
the pushback is immense. white supremacy has a grotty, gnarly edge when it is challenged by something as beautiful as authenticity. when we cultivate a garden, we are actually cultivating ourselves, truth and justice. we are many. in solidarity we rise even in the most inhospitable places. we turn hatred into fertiliser and we sow our futures.