
We are a small cooperative of artisans, journeying towards food sovereignty. We make art and we grow food on our allotment patch in rural Norfolk.
Taking up space in this place, through artwork and gardening, is an occupation of many kinds. We live by what we do, and for us survival can only be in collaboration with Nature.
Our artisanal crafts are all made from Natur-ally derived materials; flowers and plants, earth and trees. Everything is handmade by us with care and intention, the intention to make environmentalism - protecting and being in harmony with Nature - achievable and accessible.
Our wares can be found here, we are not driven by profit and we offer discounted prices for fellow renters.
Everything we manifest is a re-membering and reclamation of our roots. The ones that precede and supersede the violence of colonial capitalism. Those structures don’t create space to breathe, to coexist with Nature, to cultivate gardens and sustainable futures. So we advocate for taking the radical responsibility of doing that ourselves.
Our allotment plot connects us to this purpose. As we journey to food sovereignty we heal, learn and transform with the land. Imagining food sovereignty means self determination, it means not only feeding ourselves but our family, friends, neighbours and community. It means preserving the soil as an act of resistance.
Visit our allotment page to learn more about our land practices.